I went from being naive about the intensity of birth to having an empowering, joyful homebirth. Now, I’m here to teach you how to have the natural birth you’ve been dreaming of!

I had two completely different birth experiences.

When I got pregnant with my son, I thought I was prepared for labor. I was wrong.

I am a Marine Corps Officer. My body has proven its strength to me many times before. I am mentally strong. I knew that birth would be easy for me because of my background in physically and mentally tough situations.

To prepare for labor, I half-way read a HypnoBirthing book, read Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth, and binge watched pain free, peaceful births on Instagram and YouTube. I thought I knew everything I needed to have a beautiful, easy homebirth, just like the videos I had seen.

My birth was HARD.

Oh boy, I couldn’t have been more underprepared. After 24 hours of early labor, I thought for sure I was about to give birth. Nope- I was at 4cm. I spent the next 15 hours of insanely hard labor yelling, “Ow ow ow!” in a high pitched voice, praying for it to end and telling my husband that if we were in the hospital I would probably get an epidural or want a C-section just to get it over with.

Finally, my son was born, squatting over the toilet, with my dream of a water birth flushed down the drain.

I was anxious about getting pregnant for years because I was scared of giving birth again.

I dreamt of having more children, but how was I going to go through another labor like my first? I was terrified of giving birth. I kept seeing the pain free, peaceful births on Instagram and I needed to find out what these women’s secret was.

When I got pregnant with my daughter, I took my birth preparation seriously.

This time, I read through a whole HypnoBirthing book. I listened to birth affirmations on repeat my entire pregnancy. I created and printed positive birth affirmations that I hung on my bathroom mirror and in my living room where my birth tub was going to be. I meditated and envisioned my birth going exactly how I dreamed. I took my fear of pain seriously and confronted it with deep mental and spiritual work.

Holy cow, it worked!

All of my preparing paid off! The birth of my daughter was everything I wanted it to be and more. It was full of joy and laughter, and I felt in control of my body and my labor the whole time. I had some intense contractions that afterwards, I said to my husband, “Wow! That didn’t even hurt!”.

I got my perfect homebirth, just like I had envisioned my whole pregnancy. I had no fears about giving birth again after this birth.

Now it’s your turn to prepare your mind and body for the natural childbirth of your dreams.

You only get to experience a few births in your life. The day you birth your baby into this world is going to be burned into your memory forever. That experience should be one of absolute joy and wonder, not fear and trauma.

Preparing mentally and physically for your birth is crucial for having a positive birth experience. I’m here to show you how I did it, and how you can too!