Have the empowering transition into motherhood that you deserve.

Childbirth is the most important event in a woman’s life. Birth is designed to be a beautiful, sacred experience that shapes a woman to meet the most powerful version of herself—a mother.

Here, you will find the resources you need to prepare for the natural childbirth of your dreams! Whether it be in a hospital or in your home, we are here to support you. Click the link below to book a call with us to get started planning your birth.

Line Art Pregnant Woman

Start preparing for your dream birth today!

  • Childbirth Education Classes

    Childbirth education classes are essential for learning your options, your rights, and how to advocate for the birth you want. In our course, you will learn comfort measures, pain coping techniques, labor positions, mindset preparation, and more! Our virtual childbirth course is under development!

  • Doula Services

    We offer in person and virtual birth doula support, postpartum support, and sibling doula support. Think of us as your birth best friend- there to support you physically and emotionally through your pregnancy, labor, and into new motherhood. We bring an element of confidence and security to your birth space that you’re going to love!

  • Private Coaching

    If you’re looking for an a-la-carte menu of pregnancy, birth, newborn, breastfeeding education, or holistic pregnancy and baby care, this is for you. Let’s meet for coffee or Zoom and get all your questions answered, your birth plan created, and your fears eased. Our expertise on pregnancy, birth, and babies is sure to have you feeling more confident as you navigate this new adventure!

Birth Doula on the Beach

Hi, I’m Amanda!

I’m the owner of Freedom Birth Co. I’ve seen too many new moms leave their births traumatized, feeling like birth happened to them instead of being an active participant in it. I created Freedom Birth Co to serve new mothers during their transition into motherhood. This time is one to be celebrated, not to be feared. You should come out of your birth feeling the most powerful you have ever felt in your life.

At Freedom Birth Co, our team helps pregnant women mentally prepare for labor by breaking down your fears and transforming your mindset into one of empowerment and strength so that you can have the birth of your dreams.

We are your biggest supporters when no one else thinks you’re capable of having a natural birth or when everyone in your life is telling you homebirth is too dangerous. Mama, we see your desire for a beautiful birth on your terms, and we’re here to show you how to achieve it! We can’t wait to meet you.

“I connected with Amanda in the third trimester of my second pregnancy, and am so thankful that our paths crossed. My husband was still deployed when my water broke unexpectedly at 38 weeks, however, thanks to Amanda’s knowledge, reassurance and calming presence, I was still able to achieve the unmedicated VBAC I planned for in his absence. Thank you, Amanda, for helping me navigate those unsure waters and for playing such an integral role in the smooth and successful birth of our son!”

– Christine C.